
AEMO suspension sign of free market and ‘save the planet brigade’ failure

June 15, 2022

KENNEDY MP, Bob Katter, has blamed past government free market policy and an irresponsible renewable-power push as the reason that the Australian Energy Market Operator[1] has been forced to take control of directing power from energy generators to grid.

Mr Katter said, “This is the consequence when you combine the free market with the “save the planet, put glass on your roof” brigade. The chickens are well and truly now coming home to roost.

“You couldn’t get the message in elections past and that’s why we have had eight prime ministers in 15 years.

“We are at crisis point. We need fuel and energy sovereignty and security. We are a nation of great resource  wealth and we should not be in a position where we have to rely on Chinese manufactured junk, to produce a minimal amount of electricity at a far greater cost.”

Mr Katter said the answers were simple and that the raw materials were there to provide cheap, self-sufficient and in often cases, renewable energy.

“We have already proposed this to Government in the form of the Sovereign Fuel Security and Emissions Reduction Bill which has the backing of the crossbenchers.

“The legislation will prevent the export of Australia’s indigenous oil supply which will increase our refining capacity here. It will mandate that Government cars driven by public servants in the metropolitan areas be electric vehicles that are made in Australia.

“The Bill will require all of Australia’s waste to be recycled into petrol and diesel using pyrolysis, as is currently being done by Southern Oils in Wagga Wagga and Gladstone and there will be a renewable fuel mandate which will include ethanol produced by Australia’s sugar and grain farmers, and algae technology.

“You can offset the emissions from a coal fired power station by pumping the C02 into algae ponds. From this you can create highly valuable feedstock for animals, pigs, chickens, cattle and even humans. 

“The answers are there. We don’t need to bankrupt our economy. Coal is our second largest export item.

“For too long we have been beholden to government with a 30 second media grab vision.

“We’re calling on the new administration to act now and adopt the legislation that will support Australia, to support our workforce and keep the lights on.”


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