November 5, 2024
KAP Federal Member for Kennedy Bob Katter used Question Time in federal parliament to ask Treasurer Jim Chalmers what measures were being implemented to increase Australia’s birth rate and U-turn from our current highway to extinction.
Mr Katter cited a news article that claimed Australia’s birth rate had hit 1“rock bottom” and warned that young families are among the hardest hit by Australia’s cost of living crisis.
“Our young people can’t afford a home, they can’t afford groceries, they can’t afford fuel – the result – they can’t afford to start a family.
“The federal Labor government is doing nothing to seriously address these issues,” said Mr Katter.
“Regulatory impositions need to be lifted. This will open up vast tracts of open space in regional areas for affordable home building – we can all have a white picket fence and play backyard cricket.
“The supermarket giants need to be broken up to allow for further competition and a far better deal for families and farmers,” Mr Katter said.
“Our vast crops of sugar and grain need to be converted to fuel and electricity instead of being shipped, at minimal return, to overseas markets. Fuel and electricity can be renewable and cheap, and our air can be cleaner.”
Mr Chalmers’ response alluded to the cost-of-living issues the government is attempting to address, but Mr Katter believes these band-aid “fixes” don’t target the real problem.
“It is the responsibility and privilege of government to create an environment for families to grow and thrive, yet this government has been so fixated on splinter issues that our own race is vanishing,” Mr Katter said.
“One of the greatest joys, certainly in my lifetime, has been having a family.”
Mr Katter stressed the importance of the government’s role in building a nation Australians want to leave as a legacy for the next generation.
“This is about more than lowering the cost of living and dealing with daycare rates; it’s about painting a picture of an Australia that people actually want their kids to grow up in.
“Australians need a government that creates a vision of a future that people can be inspired by; a land of opportunities – the land that Dorothea Mackellar wrote about – the land that the ANZACs fought for – the land that we love.
“Now is the time for urgent action to U-turn this trend before we vanish ourselves from existence.”