

August 4, 2022

Spinifex State College was one of many throughout the Traeger electorate that received a juicy amount of funding allocation from the recent state budget.


Katter’s Australian Party Leader, and Traeger MP Robbie Katter said that although the budget allocation was lacking in areas, the allocations to numerous schools across the electorate was welcomed.


“It’s great to see some of these rural and remote schools getting some much-needed funding”, said Mr Katter.


“Most of the funding for these schools is going into building refurbishments, security, and grounds enhancements, but Spinifex State College have a bigger idea up their sleeve.


“They received over $11 million for their junior campus, to be put toward contemporary specialist spaces.


Spinifex State College Principal, Chris Pocock advised the school are planning to build a performing arts centre on their Junior Campus.


“This will be a big job”, Mr Pocock advised.


“We want to do it properly, so it probably won’t be completed until the 2025/2026 financial year.


“We will look at demolishing an old building on campus to make room for this new building.


Mr Katter advised that it is exciting that children attending Spinifex State College will have access to a building and facilities such as this in the future.


“I must give my thanks to the state government for the allocation of these funds, and I look forward to the completion of this project down the track.”

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20220804 - RK Media Release - Budget delivers performing arts centre to spinifiex state college