
Calls for Premier to pull trigger on $11b outback energy super grid

October 13, 2022

After once again using Parliament to commit to delivering the CopperString project, Robbie Katter is calling on Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk to turn the first soil on the day marking Mount Isa's centenary (Mount Isa day, 23rd February 2023).

"I welcome the Premier's re-commitment to delivering CopperString in Parliament yesterday, however we are yet to get commitment to a start date for construction,” Katter’s Australian Party (KAP) Leader and Traeger MP Robbie Katter said.

"This is the first test of the Government's energy and jobs plan; if they can't start construction on a project that is shovel-ready they have no hope of delivering the rest of the plan.

“The Premier should direct work on her Government’s $11 billion electricity Super Grid to start by connecting the State’s critical mineral and renewable energy rich North West with the national electricity grid.”

Mr Katter said the Super Grid could start in his electorate of Traeger following the Government’s approval of the environmental impact statement (EIS) for the 1,000-kilometre CopperString high-voltage electricity transmission network stretching from Townsville to Mount Isa, and the pipeline of approved and advanced renewable energy projects in the corridor.

“The Premier has always said she's championed CopperString to develop the $740 billion of critical minerals in the ground and harness the wind and solar energy above it,” he said.

“Committing to construction starting by Mount Isa's centenary is her chance to prove it.

“With the CopperString EIS approved by the State  and the Super Grid announced, it’s time to get the shovels in the ground.”

Mr Katter said with so many elements of the Government’s $62 billion Energy and Jobs Plan still just pipe dreams, the Government needed to start constructing shovel-ready projects.

“The Government has made very ambitious targets with 70 per cent renewable energy by 2032 and 80 per cent by 2035, so if they don’t start building the lights will go out,” he said.

“Many of the projects the Government is relying on to meet its targets only have a name - they have no EIS, no project delivery and procurement strategy, no local industry participation plan. CopperString has ticked all these boxes. CopperString is ready to start.”

“Let’s give the Energy Plan some energy; let’s start the Super Grid and extend the national electricity grid from Townsville to Mount Isa and Queensland’s mineral wealth in the North West.”

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20221013 - RK media release - Calls for Premier to pull trigger on $11b outback energy super grid