
Christmas profiteering slammed by Bob Katter

December 21, 2022

THE Charters Towers community banded together to help Kennedy MP Bob Katter remind Australians of the true meaning of Christmas.

A hand-crafted nativity scene featuring the handy work of Mr Katter, his neighbours and Charters Towers artist Midge Read is now on display at the federal MP’s property.

“You switch the TV on and you see all these advertisements, and it's people making money out of the birth of Jesus,” Mr Katter said.

“This is just so wrong, the message of Christmas is the complete opposite message - not to make money for yourself but to go around give.

“But what we see on TV every night is the message 'give something to me'.

“The giant supermarket chains - 'spend more money this Christmas, but more plumb puddings and we'll make more profit and our shareholders will be real happy'. And I just got so sick of it.”

Mr Katter said while the concept had been a plan of his for some years, the structure and figures were completed in less than a week.

He said it featured a bower shed which represented the stable Jesus was born in.

“Working on cattle farms, we had to build and sleep in bower sheds all the time,” he said.

Artist Ms Read said she had previously built a similar nativity scene which was currently on display at the Charters Towers Uniting Church.

“The figures are made of marine ply and sealed and primed with exterior paint; it was two-and-a-half days from cut out to finish,” she said.

“I agree with Bob that it's all about sharing and giving and we should never forget that, having something like this reminds us of that message.”

The nativity scene was officially blessed and opened by Father Rod Ward of Townsville. 

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