
Clump Point boating infrastructure project gets tick of approval

July 3, 2018

After decades of campaigning, KAP Leader and Federal Member for Kennedy Bob Katter is pleased to report that the Clump Point Boating Infrastructure Project has been given the green light to proceed, with all necessary approvals now in place.

Mr Katter said, “It is the greatest news. I have been working for that since I was Northern Development Minister in 1974.”.

 The Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) has been granted a permit by the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority (GBRMPA) to undertake works to upgrade the boating facilities at Mission Beach Clump Point. The approved works include an additional boat ramp lane, additional floating walkway, upgrade of the existing breakwater, upgrade of the existing carpark and turning area, installation of a new detached breakwater that provides sheltered waters to a jetty, two berthing pontoons, five to six pen berths and five to six swing moorings.

 Mr Katter said, “I estimate that it should bring between $10-$20 million to the local economy.

“We have never sought a Gold Coast type development and we don’t want it. We want very low-level, ecologically harmonious development. We want to see trees and not high-rises but we need jobs and prosperity for our people.

“There’s $250 million worth of development work that is pending on this development. Before Cyclone Larry there was Dunk Island and the Elandra Resort, together they had over 200 employees and effectively we’ve had none on either of those tourist resorts since Larry.

“We say thank you to the fighters and believers at Mission Beach who have kept the faith.”

 Mr Katter noted that he had countless people to thank for their contribution to getting the Project to this stage – members of the Federal, State and Local Governments and especially the Mission Beach community including the late and former President of the Mission Beach Boating Association, Alan Jago.

 Mr Katter said “I must be lavish in my praise of Shane Knuth, he as a favour to me reignited the issue and got the State Government involved and then Shane became the Member for Hill and has applied enormous pressure.”

 KAP Member for Hill Shane Knuth says he is rapt that the hard work of the Mission Beach community has finally paid off with the approval of the Clump Point boat ramp upgrade and Mission Beach breakwater.

Mr Knuth said, “No doubt about it this will be beneficial to the region providing a safe harbour, jobs and security.”

Mr Knuth said that strong community support had been a decisive factor and he also thanked the Minister for Natural Resources Anthony Lynham and Main Roads Minister Mark Bailey for their support and getting their departments involved.

“This project increases the capacity of Mission Beach to attract tourism and provide a safe boating facility for commercial and recreational users. It will make a massive difference to the future of this community.” Mr Knuth said.

 Peter Heywood, President of the Mission Beach Boating Association agreed, “It’s a big win for Mission Beach and wild celebrations are in order. Bob Katter, as well as quite a few locals have been fighting for something like this for more than 25 years and it has finally come to fruition. It's absolutely a fantastic result for our community."

 KAP will make sure they work with officials to ensure that the impact to local businesses and existing boat ramp users while the construction upgrades are taking place is minimal.