
Dametto: Men ignored in State Budget

June 18, 2021

Nick Dametto, Member for Hinchinbrook is disgusted that despite being Men’s Health Week, there was not one mention by the Government or the Opposition in the Parliament on the passing of Kerry Rooney, who was allegedly stabbed by an ex-partner in front of his son on Wednesday night; nor any significant funding in the budget to assist men’s health or social issues. 

“Men are also victims of domestic violence. Men are also victims of homelessness. Men also commit suicide. 

“However, in this budget men are not acknowledged,” said Mr Dametto speaking in Parliament. 

“This is not a matter of supporting one or the other.  No one owns the mortgage on these issues. 

“Queensland is made up of a community of men and women and it is shameful of this Government that they ignore half of the equation,” said Mr Dametto. 

Police alleged the woman, 53, who is believed to be the estranged wife, confronted Mr Rooney, 51, when he returned to his Newmarket home. 

Mr Dametto has expressed his concern for women’s health and social issues and the need to invest funding in these sectors; but it should not be at the cost of leaving men behind. 

“Although we have seen from the Government significant investment in and acknowledgement of the issues faced by women across Queensland, whether it be domestic violence or homelessness, we see very little being invested by this state Government when it comes to men's health. 

In Australia suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in men and since 2014 on average six men have committed suicide every day – nearly double the national road toll1. 

“Men are often forgotten and are left to fend for themselves after a breakup, when they are the victim of domestic violence and have nowhere to turn.  Especially in rural and regional Queensland where services are even more limited and available rental accommodation is non-existent. 

“This week is men’s health week and the KAP are calling on the Government to start prioritising all in our community,” said Mr Dametto.