
Dangerous intersection comes to completion

December 20, 2022

Member for Hill Shane Knuth said the completion of the Feluga intersection upgrade was a great Christmas present for locals.

Mr Knuth outlined that the community had been lobbying for the East Feluga Intersection upgrade since way before he was first elected as the local member for the region in 2017.

At the time he met with a large number of concerned residents at the deadly section on the Bruce Highway and East Feluga intersection.

“We are over the moon that this project has been completed as this is one of the most dangerous intersections I have ever encountered,” Mr Knuth said.

“Bob Katter and I pushed this on behalf of the community and finally in 2020 the State and Federal Government committed $6M in funding towards the upgrade as part of the 15-year Bruce Highway Upgrade Program and last year they announced a further increase of $2.38M funding for the project bringing the full allocation for the intersection to $8.38M.”

Federal Member for Kennedy Bob Katter said the intersection was a serious concern where you had two s-bends in the main road and no safe turning lane into Feluga.

“I have never seen such a dangerous intersection in all my life,” Mr Katter said.

“Sadly, it took the tragedy of a young life being lost for both Governments to fund this upgrade.

“The whole community threw their weight behind this and it is finally safe.”

Long-term Feluga resident Ross Threlfall said a number of years ago there was a petition put forward for safety improvements at the intersection after two deaths and a number of serious accidents and near misses.

“The intersection, prior to the upgrade, didn’t have any provisions for turning in,” Mr Threlfall said.

“We now have that with these upgrades which makes it feel a lot more comfortable and safer.”

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Feluga Intersection upgrade complete

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