
Fortress wall of missiles – Katter’s Defence plea

February 17, 2022

KENNEDY MP, Bob Katter is calling on the Federal Government to invest in thousands of missiles and delivery systems, as well as a fleet of patrol boats to protect Northern Australia, as the tensions between Russia, the Ukraine and the rest of Europe escalate, as well as China, Taiwan and the wider of the Asia Pacific.

Mr Katter said Australia has not learnt the lessons of the past.

“As Churchill said, ‘those who fail to learn from history are condemned to repeat it,” he said.

“Do you really think China will just be content with Taiwan. Do you think Russia only want the Ukraine?

“Was Hitler just happy with Sudetenland? No, he went onto Austria, Poland and the rest is history.”

Mr Katter said Australia must heavily invest in protecting its ‘front doorstep’, Northern Australia.

“In World War II the strength of a military force was measured on the range of a nation’s fighter bomber. Australia was hopelessly underprepared and outclassed with our Wirraway aircraft and we were saved by the US joining the war,” he said.

“In a modern sense, the range of a missile demonstrates the strength of your military capability. Well guess what? We don’t have any. And we can’t rely on America this time whose leader, in my opinion, is the weakest President in living memory.”

Mr Katter called on the Federal Government to immediately begin production of thousands of missiles, which he said must be built in Australia by Australian workers employed by Australian companies.

“I don’t want to hear that they are planning to do it, or that they are going to do it. I want to see them being built,” he said.

“If they say they’re going to build missiles but don’t begin production, that will actually infuriate Australians and turn them against the Government.

“We also need delivery systems for the missiles in the form of patrol boats. We will have a fortress wall of missiles.”