
Future Farmers Flock to Support HIPCO Project: Katter

October 14, 2022

The Hughenden Irrigation Project Corporation’s (HIPCo) highly-successful investors event held last week offered a glimpse of the opportunity to come for the region through expanded irrigated cropping, Traeger MP Robbie Katter has said.


Following on from the Federal Government’s $182 million commitment to the project in 2018, HIPCo’s work has continued to gain momentum, steaming towards a future that will transform for the better the social and economic fabric of the mid-west. 


“If this project is successful, an untold amount of opportunity will be created; we will see a reverse in the socio-economic decline and it will enable the region to positively manage any challenges that poke their head up”, said Mr Katter.


“It was great to meet and chat with some of the potential customers, from all over the country, of the project during the meetings last week.


“The future farmers of the region were showing some real interest, so there was a lot of positivity coming out of the meeting.”


Following both the State and Federal governments acceptance of HIPCo’s detailed business case in April this year, HIPCo then submitted its tender for purchasing the required water entitlements in June.


“We’re basically relying on the State Government now to get the project across the line,” he said.


“I will be turning a lot of my focus to the Minister for Water; this tender process should ensure that the water is kept local, benefiting the regions, not just a few big companies.


“If HIPCo’S water tender acquisition is successful, a start could be made on the project as early as 2024.


“This would see an immediate benefit to the region with an anticipated 2,500-plus jobs created throughout the construction process, which is anticipated to take upto three years.


“This would facilitate a major boom for the Hughenden community.”


Mr Katter said he and the KAP would advocate for regional and local engagement during the procurement for construction. 


“We want locals involved in this – that’s really important for the region.


“Aside from the security and prosperity a project such as this would bring to the regions, I am looking forward to seeing what other opportunities will come of this.


“There has been a proposal for a joint venture for a Yirendali cultural centre, and I am hopeful some lifestyle block opportunities along the Flinders River may arise.


“There is a real gap when it comes to lifestyle block opportunities in areas across Traeger.


“If something such as this can be opened-up, it would be a real draw card for the region.


“This project will be a generational development that will transform the region, future proofing and providing water security and improving the agricultural production in the area for years to come.”

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20221013 - RK media release - Future farmers flock to support HIPCo project Katter