
Government continues to take personal freedoms

December 1, 2021

State Member for Hill Shane Knuth is outraged that the State Government continues it’s all out assault on Queenslanders with mandatory vaccinations.

Mr Knuth said the State Government had already isolated the hospitality industry and health workers and was now continuing to take away people’s freedoms by bring in mandates for schools, early childhood centres, correctional centres, youth detention facilities and airports.

He labelled the policy as un-Australian and a form of segregation, which marginalises a section of society because they are unable to be vaccinated or chose not to be.

"This is the lowest point in our state democracy I have witnessed in my 17 years in politics,” said Mr Knuth.

“The reality is families will have loved one that will be banished from almost all facets of life.”

He said he has been stopped in the streets of his electorate and confronted by very emotional people, some in tears, including nurses who have lost their job over the mandates or small business owners who are being forced to sack their employees and police their own premises.

Mr Knuth warned that if the Government did not reconsider its "one size fits all" mandate policy there would be a closures of small business, lack of teachers, medical staff and childcare workers throughout the state in 2022.