
KAP in the media this week

August 10, 2018

Read about Katter’s Australian Party’s media mentions and moments from this week, including from radio, newspaper and more.


Katter’s Australian Party

Seven Townsville, Townsville, Seven Local News at 18:03

Drought-stricken farmers claim the Turnbull Government's $190m relief package is a start, but it doesn't future-proof agricultural land. The Katter Party is lobbying for more dams and a Government-backed rural bank. The Palaszczuk Cabinet has been briefed on the drought affecting NSW and Western Qld, and it will decide how to best complement the new Federal funding.

Jobs hope as project revived (Courier Mail, August 10)

THE billion-dollar CopperString project and its potential for hundreds of jobs for the regions has been revived in a bid to open up a vast mining province in northwest Queensland. The electricity transmission project was scuttled in 2010 but was revived last week when proponents met in Townsville with the Australian Energy Market Operator, IncitecPivot, Glencore, MMG and Chinova Resources.

Bid to spark mining boom (Townsville Bulletin, August 10)

THE billion-dollar CopperString project and its potential for hundreds of jobs for the regions has been revived in a bid to open up a vast mining province in northwest Queensland. The electricity transmission project was scuttled in 2010 but was revived last week when proponents met in Townsville with the Australian Energy Market Operator, IncitecPivot, Glencore, MMG and Chinova Resources.

Senator Fraser Anning – Senator for Queensland

ABC Western Queensland, Longreach, 07:30 News at 07:31

Katter's Australian Party senator Fraser Anning says the state government could pay for services such as dialysis treatment in the Central West by abandoning the Cross River Rail project. It follows concerns that some dialysis patients have been forced to relocate to Rockhampton form treatment.

KAP Senator champions Bradfield water scheme (North Qld Register, ONLINE, August 7)

The Bradfield Scheme has long been championed by Katter’s Australian Party founder, Bob Katter, and now the party’s only Senator is repeating the call to build the massive water diversion scheme first suggested 80 years ago.

Fraser Anning, who replaced Malcolm Roberts as a One Nation senator last November, split from the party and its leader, Pauline Hanson, immediately after entering parliament, sitting as an independent until early June, when it was announced that he’d joined KAP.

He was welcomed by Mr Katter, who said the Anning and Katter families “were from Charters Towers before there was a Charters Towers”, and last week Senator Anning, whose electoral office is in Brisbane, visited Townsville, Charters Towers, Hughenden, Richmond, Winton, Longreach and Barcaldine.

WA pitch for expanded banking inquiry (Farm Weekly, August 9)

ABOUT a dozen WA farmers will be heading to Canberra next week to share their stories of financial hardship due to bank lending practices, in the hope of extending and expanding the Banking Royal Commission. A special 'Extend the Banking Royal Commission Event' will be held on Wednesday, August 15, by Senator Frazer Anning, who recently left Pauline Hanson's One Nation Party to join Bob Katter's Australia Party, and who is also set to give his maiden speech in parliament that night.

Anning aims up for Bradfield (North Queensland Register, August 9)

THE Bradfield Scheme has long been championed by Katter's Australian Party founder, Bob Katter, and now the party's only Senator is repeating the call to build the massive water diversion scheme first suggested 80 years ago. Fraser Anning, who replaced Malcolm Roberts as a One Nation senator last November, split from the party and its leader, Pauline Hanson, immediately after entering parliament, sitting as an independent until early June when it was announced that he'd joined KAP.

  • Fraser also appeared on both Andrew Bolt and Paul Murray on Thursday 09/08/18.
  • He also spoke with Luke Grant on 2GB on Friday 10/08/18


Bob Katter – Federal Member for Kennedy

Taxis building war chest in bid to sue over ride sharing – Courier Mail/Sunday Mail (online)

DESPERATE Queensland taxi licence owners are building a war chest to fund a looming legal fight with the State Government over its decision to legalise ride sharing.

About 500 of the state’s 1800 taxi licence owners have already offered financial backing to help sue the State Government for massive capital and revenue losses.

Individual taxi licence values have plunged hundreds of thousands of dollars since 2014 when the first ride share vehicles surfaced on Queensland roads. The State Government eventually passed legislation in 2016 that legalised the industry.

Katter’s Australian Party leader Bob Katter said he would throw his “full fury” behind the licence owners as there was palpable outrage in the community over the Government’s actions.

“Queensland is by far and away the worst of the states because we’ve got a series of really dumb people governing Queensland who don’t understand Magna Carta or the British legal system,” he said.

“If you agree to the principle that the government can take property or property rights off you any time they feel like it, then you are living in a system which we people under British law have not seen since 1215 at Runnymede,” he said.

“If you allow the government to go in and take property off you, it might be a taxi licence today, it might be your home tomorrow.

“If this was an individual that did this, you’d sue him immediately.”


They are some of Queensland's most influential and recognisable faces, but even they started their property journey from humble beginnings. To coincide with the launch of The Courier-Mail's Realestate magazine in gloss, we find out about their first house, current home and what their fantasy home would look like. Some of their answers might surprise you, Real Estate Editor Samantha Healy reports BOB KATTER Politician FIRST HOME "We couldn't afford a house, so we bought 20 acres in Charters Towers, sold 10 acres and used that to pay for a prefab house that had to be bolted together. It came out of Darwin after Cyclone Tracy ... it is very warm in winter and extremely hot in summer, but it is home.

Sporting grants for young rep players – Innisfail Advocate

CASSOWARY COAST youngsters travelling to compete at representative level sporting events may be eligible for grants of up to $750 to cover the costs of travel and accommodation. The latest round of the Federal Government's Local Sporting Champions program opened earlier this month and Federal Member for Kennedy Bob Katter is encouraging young sports stars to apply before applications close on October 31.

Heart of Australia pumping twice as much life in rural Qld – Media Releases

03 August 2018: KAP Leader and Federal Member for Kennedy Bob Katter today joined Heart of Australia founder, Dr Ralph Gomes, in Burpengary to unveil a second custom-built truck that has been designed and fitted to perform essential health procedures for those in regional and rural Queensland. By mid-August, the Heart of Australia will have two 'Heart Buses' on the road providing a number of health services on a fortnightly basis including gynaecology, neurology and endocrinology to residents of 16 towns including Dalby, Goondiwindi, Stanthorpe, St George, Charleville, Roma, Emerald, Barcaldine, Longreach, Hughenden, Charters Towers and Moranbah.

Calls MPs now to protect our savings (Murray Pioneer, August 7)

THE tabling of Citizens Electoral Council's GlassSteagall bill on the floor of parliament on June 25 is the turning point for an alternative policy direction for Australia and a revolutionary political upsurge in this country. In his speech at the bill's second reading, Bob Katter MP acknowledged CEC's seminal role, and also that of former APRA researcher Dr Wilson Sy.

YPA in need of buses for school run (North West Star, August 7)

KAP Leader and Federal Member for Kennedy Bob Katter recently wrote to the Minister for Education and the Minister for Indigenous Affairs urging them to provide funding to the Young People Ahead (YPA) organisation in Mount Isa. YPA needs two additional minibuses to help get children to school. Mr Katter, who recently met with Debra Woodward from YPA to discuss the vital service said they currently have a 10 seater bus.

ABC North West Qld, Mt Isa, Breakfast at 07:10

There is a concern in Mt Isa that a large number of high school students are not going to school because they cannot get there. The Young People Ahead or YPA has been running a free school pick-up and drop-off service for over a year by using a minibus. But the organisation says they need more volunteer drivers to keep the program going. KAP MP Bob Katter has written to the Minister for Education and the Minister for Indigenous Affairs on this issue, urging them to provide funding to YPA to purchase additional buses.

KAP demands cuts as population surges (Northern Miner, August 9)

FEDERAL Member for Kennedy Bob Katter has called Australia's population policy "absolutely disastrous" as the nation's population reached 25 million people this week, and reports revealed there's been a surge in migration numbers. "We're not anti-migration as long as there's integration and job creation but numbers do need to be scaled back," Mr Katter said.

Mackay’s Q&A panel is named (Mornington Bulletin, August 10)

Politicians ready to clash live MACKAY may host one of the fieriest Q&A panels when the popular ABC television show airs live from the MECC later this month. The Morning Bulletin can reveal the colourful panellists due to appear at Mackay Entertainment and Convention Centre on Monday, August 27 are LNP Member for Dawson, George Christensen, KAP Member for Kennedy Bob Katter and PHON Senator Pauline Hanson. Also due to appear on the night is Labor Member for Herbert, Cathy O’Toole.


Robbie Katter – State Member for Traeger

Indigenous Land Corporation Denies selling cattle before handover to traditional owners – Cairns Post (online)

Indigenous Land Corporation chairman Eddie Fry has denied the entity is selling cattle with the aim of returning three Cape York properties to traditional owners without livestock or infrastructure.

The comments come after claims from traditional owners of Merepah and Bulimba stations the federally-funded ILC was “setting them up to fail” by removing a major source of income from the properties.

Mr Fry said a review of ILC’s existing agribusiness portfolio investments has led to a focus on new commercial arrangements between indigenous agribusinesses, proven operators, and investors.

“The ILC can assure Traditional Owners that it will only transfer cattle operations to another party where an alternative and sustainable income model is secured for, and agreed by, Traditional Owners,” he said.

“The change in business model will enable the ILC to diversify investment to better manage business and market risks, and to open up new geographic and sector.

“I can assure our partners that the ILC has no intention of leaving properties bare of cattle operations or of abandoning Traditional Owners.”

An ILC spokesman confirmed some cattle had been sent for sale but 75 per cent of the stock would remain on the properties.

Mareeba North Queensland Saleyards’ yard manager Wayne Martin expected the cattle to arrive tomorrow night but would not confirm how many or what price they might fetch when sold as breeding stock.

But a traditional owner, who wished to remain anonymous, said there had been no consultation by ILC on any cattle sales and keeping cattle, as well as starting carbon farming projects and a Davidson Plum orchard, was part of their plan for the land.

Politicians Dan McCarthy, Warren Entsch and Robbie Katter have weighed in on the debate, criticising the decision to sell any cattle.

“These carbon initiatives and farming are not aspirations where we want to be as a state in areas that are highly under developed,” Mr Katter said.

“You create false economies with things like carbon framing. Real jobs and meaningful activities are like the cattle industries.”

4CA AM, , Cairns, John Mackenzie at 11:34

Interview with Robbie Katter, Member for Traeger, Katter's Australia Party. MacKenzie and Katter discuss ongoing meetings in a bid to address the issue with crocodiles and their sightings in the region. Katter thinks the only response from the State Government lately was from one of the Labor MPs from Townsville during the Senate Estimates hearing, highlighting they clearly are doing nothing. [cont]

Government to sink trans-shipping Katter (Bowen Independent, August 8)

STATE KAP leader Robbie Katter has accused the government of regulating development and economic growth out of existence in North Queensland. "The government's latest, smallminded regulation is to shut down trans-shipping which would have a huge impact on small communities in Queensland," he said. "Trans-shipping has operated out of Karumba Port for around 20 years, resulting in approximately $10 billion in exports - stuffing state government coffers to the tune of around $500 million in royalties."


Towers health in poor nick Katter (Northern Miner, August 9)

MEMBER for Traeger Robbie Katter says Charters Towers is copping the shortfall with ageing infrastructure and a lack of vital services while the government does not seem to be focusing on the issue of a new hospital as a priority. The comment comes on the back of the Palaszczuk Government's announcement of its State Infrastructure Plan, with five projects across the Townsville region now underway or delivered thanks to the initiative.


Katter fights back (Western Star, August 10)

I AM writing to respond to the letter to the editor by Member for Warrego Ann Leahy, which appeared in the Dalby Herald and Western Star on August 3. It seems Ms Leahy and her LNP colleagues are more determined to spend time criticising the KAP than fighting the Government. Maybe this is an attempt to divert people’s attention away from the pro-agriculture and pro-regional initiatives the LNP haven’t supported? I’ll run through some of them quickly.  The LNP didn’t support a KAP Dairy Bill which would’ve evened the playing field for farmers; the KAP’s Bill to establish a rural development bank; a KAP Bill to cull crocs; a KAP motion that would’ve given primary producers ‘as a right’ access to Category H firearms and a KAP motion to stop tighter gun laws. It’s bad enough Ms Leahy voted agains these things that would’ve been good for regional Queensland but she doesn’t even acknowledge when the KAP delivers for her electorate. Like the $60 million western roads package or the $70 million in drought assistance and stamp duty concessions that the KAP delivered in the hung parliament.  Ms Leahy, a simple thank you would suffice. I’m very happy to work with any member of the LNP to fight the Government, however, it’s difficult to have a working relationship when they continutally use petty excuses to attack the KAP. The latest attack on me for not showing up to an estimates committee that I’m not even on is a new level of pettiness. The KAP only has three members and although it may seem like we’re a better opposition than the LNP, the fact is, we can’t be everywhere at once.
Robbie Katter, Member for Traeger

Shane Knuth – State Member for Hill

Babinda croc zone talks – Innisfail Advocate

ENVIRONMENT officials will review management of crocodiles in Babinda after a croc was spotted in the freshwater reaches of the town's creek three months ago. Department of Environment and Science officials will meet with the Cairns Regional Council next week to consider available options in the area.

4CA AM, , Cairns, John Mackenzie at 11:16

Interview with Cairns Council Division One Councillor Brett Moller about crocodile management in Babinda. Moller says he went to Babinda this morning and the town looks so good. Moller recognises the Babinda community is well known for its resilience and persistence. MacKenzie then notes the Department of Environment will meet with Cairns Council next week to consider available options in the area. Moller reveals he got an email from the officer organising that meeting and he has seen the letter from Shane Knuth MP, noting they are now actively looking at rezoning the Babinda Creek to be a proactive removal zone. He hopes they can resolve the problem at the creek amid increasing crocodile numbers. MacKenzie and Moller affirm Cairns Mayor Bob Manning is doing everything to address the issue.

Bless those in blue (North West Star, August 7)

Shane Knuth, the State Member for Hill and myself recently held a community meeting in Herberton. These recurring meetings provide the best platform for people to directly raise their concerns and issues with us.

Dametto and Knuth push for aerial shooting in Panama fight (Cassowary Coast Independent, July 26)

MEMBER for Hill Shane Knuth MP and Member for Hinchinbrook Nick Dametto MP are emphasising the need for feral pig aerial shooting to help manage the deadly Panama TR4 outbreak. This comes after a Tully farm sent a banana tree sample to Brisbane for testing last week - potentially making it the fourth case in the area.


Nick Dametto – State Member for Hinchinbrook

NICK DIPS HIS OAR IN – Townsville Bulletin

EVEN political types got involved in the Magnetic Island to Townsville swim last weekend. Hinchinbrook MP for Katter's Australian Party Nick Dametto may not have been swimming himself, but he put his muscles to the test in support of Anne Pleash, chief of staff to party boss Bob Katter.

Farmers needed more than foreign aid Herbert River Express (August 8)

RURAL Cameron Bates HINCHINBROOK MP Nick Dametto has called on the Federal Government to put farmers, not foreign aid, first as Australia deals with a drought crisis. Currently, about 98 per cent of New South Wales and almost two thirds of Queensland is either in drought or drought affected, yet the government's foreign aid budget remains at $4.2 billion.

Political pals swim into comp at Maggie Island (Herbert River Express, August 8)

EVEN political types got involved in the Magnetic Island to Townsville swim last weekend. Hinchinbrook MP for Katter's Australian Party Nick Dametto may not have been swimming himself, but he put his muscles to the test in support of Anne Pleash, chief of staff to party boss Bob Katter.

ABC North Queensland, Townsville, Breakfast at 08:36

Pre-recorded interview with Queensland Katter's Australian Party MP Nick Dametto on the wild horse problem on Bruce Highway. Dametto says camera surveillance is also being used to help in monitor the situation. He says there have been two fatalities related to the brumbies on the highway in the last couple of year.

ABC North Queensland, Townsville, Breakfast at 08:30

Interview with Queensland Katter's Australian Party MP Nick Dametto on the wild horse problem on Bruce Highway