
KAP puts relocation sentencing on federal agenda

May 17, 2022

KATTER’S Australian Party (KAP) Deputy Leader and Member for Hinchinbrook, Nick Dametto, and KAP Federal Candidate for Herbert Clynton Hawks have announced plans to take the fight for a relocation sentencing facility for youth crime offenders to the Federal Government.    


The KAP’s policy will see young offenders sentenced to a location in the State’s far west, at Kajabbi north of Mount Isa, where they would participate in restorative, skills-based rehabilitation aimed at breaking the cycle of offending.  


Mr Hawks is calling for the federal government to fund the facility, he said the government is failing to support communities in the north who’ve been brutalised by spates of youth-related offending for years, with the 2019 annual state of the north survey finding 1 in 3 people had been affected by property crime, and 89% of respondents believing not enough was being done.  


“The Federal Member for Herbert has been very vocal on the state issue of crime but hasn’t got the ticker to put his money where his mouth is. 

“Relocation sentencing is a real solution to help mitigate the youth crime crisis.  


“If I am elected as the member for Herbert and the Katter’s Australian Party holds the balance of power, I will demand the Commonwealth Government build a new youth facility.”  


Mr Hawks said Townsville has one of the highest crime rates in the nation, with the city now having earned the moniker “Crimesville” from locals.    

“The city averages more than 100 vehicle thefts a month, which used to be a peak figure but now it’s just an average month in Townsville.  


“Every year when insurance companies tally up the worst suburbs in the country for break-ins, we are regularly at the top.  


“Last year the suburb with the highest rate of burglaries in the country was our very own Mundingburra, with a rate twice as high as the next contender.” 


KAP’s continuing call for out-of-the-box solutions to youth crimes comes following the State Labor government’s failed $5.6 million On-Country program, which saw none of the 82 participants finishing the six-week program since beginning in July 2020.  


Mr Hawks said the Palaszczuk Government is failing woefully in fulfilling their duty of care to the people of North Queensland.   

“Labor’s version of our Relocation Policy, the ‘On-Country’ program, has unfortunately been a watered-down poor cousin to the meaningful change that’s needed to make the community safe.”  


Mr Dametto says young offenders do not fear consequences and the court system was failing to enforce suitable punishments.  

“Many people say incarceration doesn’t work, but what doesn’t work is law-abiding citizens being harassed and terrorised day in, day out by youth who are contributing nothing positive to society.”  


KAP’s relocation sentencing policy is a third sentencing option other than detention or releasing offenders back on to the streets, with convicted offenders being sent to a purpose-built remote facility.  


Once built, the facility would operate on minimal costs and work closely with Indigenous Elders and youth workers to help offenders develop key life skills in order to receive the best shot at a successful future.  Detainees would learn “life skills” and build the foundation for a future in a trade, obtaining experience in a range of skill areas such plant operations, livestock handling, painting, leather craft, bush survival, carpentry and many others. 

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KAP puts relocation sentencing on federal agenda