
Katter goes toe-to-toe with Nationals senator in heated exchange at Orange

March 12, 2024

KATTER’S Australian Party MP Bob Katter has slammed Nationals senator for New South Wales Ross Cadell’s “improper conduct” as the two men went toe-to-toe in a heated exchange at Orange, outside the Senate hearing on supermarket prices.

Mr Katter was in the rural NSW city to accompany Independent Calare MP Andrew Gee as the two crossbenchers spruiked their upcoming legislation - Reducing Supermarket Dominance.

About 10.30am the Independent MPs were addressing local media, in the foyer of Hotel Canobolas where the Senate hearing was taking place, when Mr Cadell began heckling Mr Gee during his speech.

Then, as Mr Katter proceeded to speak, and attempted to highlight to the media what price farmers were receiving for their potatoes in comparison to what consumers were paying, the heckling continued.

Mr Katter said he was left with no choice but to confront Mr Cadell directly.

“Andrew and I were there for the farmers and to attack the major supermarkets,” Mr Katter said.

“We’re talking about real action, not inquiries, we’ve got the legislation for the parliament to vote on.

“And here we had a bloke attacking the people, who were attacking Woolworths and Coles.

“That’s fine – perhaps it’s the National Party’s position to be on side with Woolworths and Coles. I’m going after the supermarkets and the Nationals are going after me.

“But multiple times I was trying to speak to the media, and he kept interrupting, so I had no choice but to confront him.”

Mr Katter said he would be making a formal complaint against the Nationals Senator.

“He’s the Nationals representative on this impartial inquiry, and so his behaviour was most improper.

“I’m calling on the Nationals to withdraw this senator from their representation on this inquiry.”

Mr Katter later visited local Orange farmers, alongside Mr Gee to further discuss their issues with the supermarkets and the Independents’ proposed legislation.

“There is no placed I’d rather spend my time than North Queensland. But we’re fighting a life and death battle for the farmers and I just have to go wherever the battle takes me.”