
North West Electricity Security – Premier Clear, Plan Confused: Katter

September 30, 2022

Member for Traeger Robbie Katter has called on Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk to confirm a definitive timetable for connecting Mount Isa and the State’s North West to the national electricity grid as part of her Government’s 10-year Energy and Jobs Plan.

“We’re missing out on thousands of jobs and billions in investment in critical minerals because the Government won’t commit to a timeframe for delivery of grid connection.”

“They’re very clear they will build CopperString, however they haven’t given a definitive timeframe and every day we wait costs jobs.”

Mr Katter said the Premier had reaffirmed her Government’s support for the connection of the North West Minerals Province with the national electricity grid when she committed to the Plan in Townsville last year and when she launched the Plan in Brisbane yesterday.

“The Premier has been consistent her support for connecting our region with the National Electricity Market via the CopperString high-voltage transmission network,” Mr Katter said.

“The Premier recognises the huge potential for renewable energy and critical minerals in our region, and that this potential was not being realised because we don’t have the capacity in the electricity transmission network.”

When launching the Queensland Energy and Jobs Plan yesterday, the Premier said:

“The SuperGrid brings together all of the elements in the electricity system with the poles and wires that provide Queenslanders with clean, reliable and affordable power for generations. That super grid delivers around 1,500 kilometres of transmission lines from Brisbane up to North Queensland and out west to Hughenden. These 500 kilovolt transmission lines will be the largest constructed in Queensland’s history, carrying the energy to power new manufacturing jobs across our regions. And we are continuing with our commitment to back CopperString to connect to the North West Minerals Province - driving more jobs in Mount Isa and Townsville.”

Mr Katter said while the Premier has provided clarity and urgency around the delivery of CopperString, the Plan provides confusion by not being definitive about the timing of the connection over the next 13 years.

“The Premier needs to ensure her Government’s Plan, if it is to have credibility and actually deliver on its targets sets the earliest possible start on CopperString.  It’s the difference between having a grid and the Premier’s vision for a SuperGrid,” he said.

“The fact that CooperString has still not been given a start date by the government makes a mockery of this entire announcement.”

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20220929 - RK media release - North West Electricity Security - Premier Clear Plan Confused Katter