
Politics Unplugged: KAPcast with Robbie Katter hits the airwaves

February 23, 2022

A fresh take on the news and events of the world is now live with the “KAPcast with Robbie Katter” podcast hitting Facebook and RSS feeds on Saturday night. 

The podcast promises to feature Katter’s Australian Party (KAP) Leader Robbie Katter taking an honest and forthright view of the issues affecting everyday Australians.  

Episode 1, “Integrity,” sees Mr Katter teaming up with KAP Deputy Leader Nick Dametto to churn through the integrity crisis gripping the Queensland State Labor Government. 

Mr Katter said the podcast format is a chance to explore ideas and topics in greater depth, and will hopefully be a way to connect politics to the interests of the public. 

“We’re really trying to go beyond the way politics is usually talked about.” 

Mr Katter said the scandal centering around the State Labor Government’s creation of a “culture of fear” in the public service is a perfect example of the kind of issue the podcast will dive into, and why the episode headlining this issue was chosen to be the first cab off the rank.   

“The public might look at the coverage of that issue in the media and roll their eyes and think that this is just politics as usual. 

“I think that’s where the gap is because the questions being raised by the whistleblowers go to the heart of the conduct of government, namely if the public service is too scared to stand up to their political masters because they’re afraid of the repercussions, then how are we ever going to see the criminal justice system or the hospitals fixed?” 

An upcoming episode will discuss the government’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic and ask why we still have vaccine mandates. 

In the coming weeks, the podcast will feature guests from all walks of life, with a cast of characters including prominent Australians, academics and experts in various fields, State and Federal MPs, as well as Queensland locals and everyday people with stories to tell.  Discussions will range across matters of local, regional and national importance, and take an analytical approach reflecting the values and principles of KAP.   

 “The audience for the podcast is the growing segment of the population increasingly disenfranchised with the direction Australia’s going in and sick of hearing politicians toeing the party line. 

“There’s a real appetite for open and informed conversations where we don’t flinch from telling home truths and dodge the difficult questions. 

“Aussies are built to question and what you can expect to see with the launch of the KAPcast podcast is politics unplugged, unfiltered, unexpected and real.”