
President’s Message

August 17, 2018

On Tuesday KAP Senator Fraser Anning made his maiden speech in Parliament. The Australian media and the Left managed to twist and change it into something that it certainly was not. 

Fraser spoke of how he was born to a cattle grazing family in far North West Queensland, who have been cattle farmers for over one hundred years. He discussed his work history as a grazier, a builders labourer, a pilot, a light plane manufacturer, a gas industry worker and a hotelier.  He also reflected on the Joh era remembering it as Queensland’s golden age.

He listed his political goals which are to reduce immigration levels and restrict entry to those who best assimilate, to break the oligopoly power of the banks, to get a better deal for working families and farmers, to achieve major infrastructure development in far North and Western Queensland, to restore personal freedom and speech, to make affordable home ownership a national priority, to counter the growing threat of China both outside and within Australia, to slash runaway government spending and with it taxes on productive enterprises, to build coal fired power stations to return us to the cheapest power in the world, to slash the regulatory burden that is crippling the general aviation industry, to take back our culture from left-wing extremists and his most immediate concern of all, to save agriculture in this country.  

Despite this heartfelt and honest speech, the Australian media and the Left managed to twist and change it into something that it certainly was not. 

Bob said this week in response to the media circus, “Absolutely, 1000%, I support everything he said…He talked about the right to collectively bargain for our farmers and our workers. It was a magnificent speech. It was solid gold.”

To our current members and supporters, we thank you for your continued support and encouragement and we welcome all of our new supporters with open arms.

On behalf of you and the Australian people. We will not be silenced.

Shane Paulger
KAP President