
Statement from Robbie Katter MP

December 2, 2021

Katter’s Australian Party MPs have today provided their full support to calls for a Royal Commission into Queensland’s Crime and Corruption Commission.

The CCC, as the State’s primary counterpoint to corruption and the abuse of power in the public sector, must be beyond reproach and always operate with complete impartiality.

Queenslanders have put their faith in us, as parliamentarians, to ensure that equality, transparency and honesty underpins all levels of government in Queensland.

The fact that we have delegated some of these responsibilities to the CCC does not absolve the Parliament, and more specifically the Government, of being answerable on these – or any other – failings.

There is now an immediate onus on the Premier to initiate a thorough investigation into the CCC.

The lack of an Upper House in Queensland effectively means that ultimate control is held by the Government of the day.

If we cannot have confidence that the mechanisms we have in place to prevent corruption and abuse of power within the public sector are working, and are working without fear or favour, then we have betrayed the trust of all Queenslanders.