
Stats prove Ingham Hospital requires a CT Scanner

July 27, 2022

Katter’s Australian Party (KAP) Deputy Leader and Hinchinbrook MP, Nick Dametto, is demanding the State Labor Government coughs up funding for a computed tomography (CT) scanner for Ingham Hospital following the Minister revealing the high demand.


The Minister for Health and Minister for Ambulance Services, Yvette D’Ath, confirmed that the local provider received 392 requests for CT imaging from the Ingham Hospital from January to December 2021.


The Hinchinbrook MP believes that 392 CT requests which average to more than 30 scans a month demonstrates a high demand and need to have a CT scanner at Ingham Hospital.


“The Minister’s figure excludes CT scans that are referrals from General Practitioners and CT scans that are transferred from Ingham Hospital to Townsville Hospital after hours. So, when you take those scans into consideration, we may be looking at closer to 600 plus CT scans a year for the district,” Mr Dametto said.


“When we have such a high demonstrated need for this type of life-saving medical equipment, it should be almost impossible for the Health Minister to deny Ingham Hospital its own fully funded CT scanner.


“Currently, if a child playing sport on the weekend has a head injury and sustains a concussion, they’re required to travel from Ingham to Townsville to undergo a CT scan, with current roadworks that can be up to a two hour drive.


“This process chews up Queensland Ambulance Service resources and takes healthcare workers off the floor as they are required to stay with the patient while being transferred.


“It’s hypocritical that the State Labor Government goes on about their record health budget for Queensland and here we are in North Queensland struggling to secure funds for essential, life saving medical equipment.


“Having a CT scanner at Ingham Hospital would not only improve efficiency and save costs in the long run but it would also add to the patient care experience.”
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