
The week that was

August 10, 2018

See what our Members of Parliament, Senator Fraser Anning, Honourable Bob Katter, Robbie Katter, Shane Knuth and Nick Dametto got up to this week.

See our gallery here

Senator Fraser Anning, Senator for Queensland

  • Senator Anning attended the opening of two new dormitories at Campion College.
    The opening was also attended by former Prime Minister Hon. John Howard, Cardinal Pell and the Archbishop of Sydney.
  • Senator Anning has met with a number of constituents discussing key topics such as the persecution of white South Africans, regional development and getting water to the west.
  • He is spending today preparing for the “extend the Banking Royal Commission event" in parliament next week.
  • The event will be held on Tuesday 14/08/18 starting at 0900 in the main committee room. See the what’s on section for more information. There will be between 20-40 farmers telling their stories of banking misbehaviour. The event will run for one hour and will be followed by a press conference

Bob Katter, Federal Member for Kennedy

  • Bob is recognised on the national stage as one of the best advocates for regional Queensland. Bob’s been in the news backing the bush – on Friday night Channel 10 did a great wrap up of the Heart of Australia’s second mobile medical clinic launch that featured the remarkable work of Dr Gomes and his team plus Bob’s support for their work. You can catch the story on Bob’s Facebook page with the intro “As farmers struggle to cope with devastating drought conditions, a vital mobile health service is about to expand throughout outback Queensland. The private enterprise means people in remote areas can access a team of specialist medical personal”
  • The ‘man in the hat’ also spoke to Triple M radio about the drought and the Revised Bradfield Scheme that Bob has long been a supporter of. Bob spoke about using North Queensland’s water supply to help drought-proof Australia. Bob also thanked the countless drought helpers this week and criticised the amount the Government gives in foreign aid when not just our farmers but farm workers, contractors and their communities are struggling. Bob called on Governments to better help these people in the good times so the impact of the bad aren’t so elongated with things like a Reconstruction Board.
  • Bob’s advocacy to get more mini-buses for the wonderful Youth Program Ahead group in Mount Isa was was also picked up by the media and on social …they’re doing great work to get children to attend school.
  • As Australia’s population ticked over 25 million Bob called the Government’s population policy “absolutely disastrous” and raised concerns about the rising cost of living. Bob  said, “We’re not anti-migration as long as there’s integration and job creation but numbers do need to be scaled back.The Governments, ALP and LNP, cannot congratulate themselves on increasing our population because they are doing it at the cost of the destruction of Australia as an Australian nation.
  • Bob enjoyed spending time with KAP Candidate Dan McCarthy this week in and around Cairns including attending an important vessel monitoring system (VMS) meeting in Mossman
  • Normally Bob only likes his greens with a T-bone steak but it’s good to see them and former ACCC Chair, Alan Fels backing policy for full bank separation. KAP have introduced legislation – please support it!

On the 25th June this year, I introduced into the Federal Parliament the Banking System Reform (Separation of Banks) Bill 2018. The Bill is about protecting customers against some of the bad behaviour and highly unethical practices that have been exposed during the Royal Commission into the banking sector. This Bill will separate:

  • retail commercial banking activities involving the holding of deposits
  • financial advice businesses that are a conflict of interest
  • wholesale and investment banking involving risky activities.

Robbie Katter, State Member for Traeger

  • On Monday Robbie was flying himself around the electorate. He stopped in at Charters Towers to meet with a committee representative behind the Millchester Motor Sports Precinct – this is a significant infrastructure project for Charters Towers and one that could put the city on the national motor sports map when it is completed.
  • On Tuesday Robbie flew himself to Normanton to partake in some of the N150 celebrations taking place, including the Mayor’s N150 dinner at the Gun Club.
  • As part of Mount Isa’s jam-packed week of events this week he attended the Isa Street Festival, official opening of the Rodeo Hall of Fame, the Mailman Express Race Day and he will also be at the 60th Annual Mount Isa Rodeo this weekend.

Shane Knuth, State Member for Hill

  • Shane took part in the Official Opening of the new floodlights at Castor Park on behalf of the Innisfail United Football Club
  • Attended the Innisfail Gem Show
  • Held constituent meetings along the coast
  • Attended meetings in the Hill Electorate Office in Atherton
  • Working on policies
  • Attended local community group project meetings

Nick Dametto, State Member for Hinchinbrook

  • Attended a Destination Tourism Workshop in Townsville on Monday morning before attending a Australian War Widows Friendship Day Civic Reception that afternoon.
  • Met with several constituents in Cardwell for his monthly meetings there on Tuesday.
  • Became an official supporter of Scouting in Queensland during a scarf presentation ceremony by Ingham Scout Group at Hinchinbrook Shire Council chambers on Wednesday.
  • Listened to and shared ideas on how to tackle youth crime at a Leaders Forum hosted by retired Major-General Stewart Smith in Townsville on Thursday.