
The week that was

August 31, 2018

See what our Members of Parliament, Senator Fraser Anning, Honourable Bob Katter, Robbie Katter, Shane Knuth and Nick Dametto got up to this week.


Senator Fraser Anning, Senator for Queensland


  • Continued to advocate for the Bradfield Scheme, ensuring that water infrastructure is a top priority.
  • Discussed the issue of live export with farming industry leaders
  • Media release urging the government to construct more major dams in Northern Australia.


Bob Katter, Federal Member for Kennedy

This week, the ABC’s Q & A program travelled to Mackay for a special broadcast. Not surprisingly, our fearless leader Bob Katter was asked to be on the cracker panel that didn’t disappoint and certainly breathed some new life into late, night news and current affairs.

After a week dominated by Govt quarrels and leadership spills, Bob was fed-up with hearing about a bunch of political careerist fighting over who got to be class captain and wanted to talk about getting things done – lowering power prices, delivering affordable living and building infrastructure.

Bob didn’t give an inch when it came to fighting for his beloved North Queenslanders and his strong belief in the merits of forming a Separate State. Bob articulated KAP’s immigration policy and the desperate need for job creation and gave it to the Greens on croc policy - their representative dared to suggest that most of the people taken by crocs have had too many drinks and go swimming after dark.

Bob has long been a champion of victims of bad banking behaviour and told the audience that he would be moving for an extension of that Inquiry and a far deeper, further reaching inquiry than is taking place at the present moment. Bob has heard horrific story after horrific story after horrific story. He also said he would use his power for North Qld when Parliament returns. The next sitting week will be interesting and Bob has been speaking on the radio about the changing political landscape.

We reckon Bob’s favourite part of the night might have been mingling with the audience outside after the TV cameras had been packed away. Bob was happy to chat to people of all political colours and they were keen to get a selfie with that famous hat.

  • Tuesday’s media found Bob in Townsville and wanted to know more about Bob’s push for a separate state. Bob explained how NQ isn’t getting its fair share - Brisbane has $5,000 million - $6,000 million worth pleasure domes on the Brisbane River; including the $1,000 million one the Government built for themselves – but we are up here getting nothing. They will never develop North Queensland as long as the ALP Government is in power, and I expect the same for the LNP as well. They will never allow the Galilee to open and Hells Gate proper will never happen. Nor will any significant development ever happen so long as we are connected to Brisbane.
  • We've heard Bob screaming out for dams and water development since the beginning of time, he told the media that he hopes there’s enough political will to fully fund and deliver the latest dam plan but asks - How much credibility does the Government have telling us they’re going to build dams before an election when that’s exactly what they told us ­before the last election? I am terrified of the ­Government doing nothing but I’m even more terrified of the Government … making decisions about something they know nothing about

This week Bob also attended;

  • KAP Safer Waterways Bill Hearing in Townsville
  • Central & North Queensland NEW STATE FORUM in Townsville
  • Caught up with some of the members of the Edmonton RSL sub-branch
  • Met with a number of members from the North Queensland Retirees Association
  • Attended a presentation of a RAAF medal to Indigenous Artist Tania Ault, whose traditional artwork featured on the medal. She was presented her own copy of the medal in recognition of her contribution

Robbie Katter, State Member for Traeger

  • On Monday Robbie joined media to conduct a fly over of the Burdekin River near Ayr to aerially spot crocs.
  • Later that day he was in Charters Towers to meet with constituents and local groups, including the North Queensland Soaring Centre which recently secured a $35,000 Community Gambling Benefit Fund grant to buy a new glider.
  • Tuesday was spent in the Charters Towers electorate office following up a number of matters.
  • On Tuesday afternoon Robbie was back in Townsville for the Safer Waterways Bill hearing being held there, this was then followed by the Townsville North Queensland State Forum.
  • He was back in the Isa for the rest of the week attending a series of meetings and pursuing issues on behalf of locals.

Shane Knuth, State Member for Hill

  • Attended the Innisfail Leprechaun and Tully Tigers rugby league game and caught up with former North Queensland’s Marlins Rep Allan Cooper
  • Attended the Mission Beach Monster Market
  • Attended the Atherton Turf Club Races
  • Attended the Regional Public Hearings for the Safer Waterways Bill in Cairns and Port Douglas
  • Visited the Innisfail Probus Club monthly lunch at Sapore Di Italia
  • Met with representatives from Mission Beach Community, Department of Communities and CCRC to map a way forward for the Mission Beach Community Hub development
  • Presented a new Australian flag to the Innisfail Fire Station
  • Attended the Yungaburra book show
  • Met with a number of constituents to discuss electorate issues

Nick Dametto, State Member for Hinchinbrook

  • Attended three Safer Water Waterways Bill regional hearings in Cairns, Townsville and Mackay on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.
  • Attended four regional hearings for the Inquiry into wage theft in Queensland this week as part of the Education, Employment and Small Business Committee in Cairns, Townsville, Mackay and Rockhampton on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
  • Spoke up about the KAP’s plans for a separate state of North Queensland at the Boot Brisbane forum in Townsville on Tuesday night.
  • Listened in at the Property Council Townsville Luncheon this afternoon.