
The week that was

September 14, 2018

See what our Members of Parliament, Senator Fraser Anning, Honourable Bob Katter, Robbie Katter, Shane Knuth and Nick Dametto got up to this week.

Bob Katter, Federal Member for Kennedy

  • Bob met with Prime Minister Scott Morrison to discuss a number of issues facing Nth Queensland, including proposing three ‘shovel ready’ water projects in Nth Qld – Hughenden (HIPCO), North Jonhstone Transfer and Charters Towers (Big Rocks) weir. Other topics included title deeds for First Australian’s, an extension to the terms of the Banking Royal Commission, Hell’s Gates Dam, the drought, immigration policy and Australian manufacturing.
  • Bob was also honoured to take part in a special wreath laying ceremony with students from All Souls St Gabriel’s School in Charters Towers. The ceremony took place at the Australian War Memorial (AWM) in Canberra during the Year 6 students’ trip to Canberra.
  • Bob stood-up for women in abusive relationships by supporting a bill to ban perpetrators from being able to directly cross-examine victims of domestic violence. He said, “We supported the bill because there are mothers too terrified to go into a court of law with terrible cases. It’s long overdue and we’re pleased to see the Government move, and I also strongly believe that the ALP was right in respect to the fact that there needs to be funding provided but the Attorney-General has provided a personal assurance to us that the funding will be provided to enable women to get representation in the courts because some women are too scared of their brutal husbands to go into the courts. The courts fail to protect women at-risk.”
  • Bob is heading to the New Century Mine Site Opening today in the Gulf – a project that Bob has supported from the get-go.
  • He will also be attending the Mareeba Fruit and Vegetable Growers Dinner Friday evening.
  • We will be back down in Canberra on Monday, ready to tackle head first another week of Parliament.


Robbie Katter, State Member for Traeger

  • Robbie spent the start of the week back at his base in Mount Isa after a hectic week in Parliament last week. He spent the first few days of the week working on local issues, attending meetings and catching up with constituents. On Monday night he joined in with the community to walk in the Suicide Prevention Walk.
  • He attended the Taxi Council Conference held in Caloundra on Wednesday.
  • On Thursday he flew back to Mount Isa and in the evening attended the grand opening of the Mount Isa Regional Art Gallery.
  • On Friday he attended the re-opening of Century Mine and later that day he was at the Apex Club of Mount Isa Changeover Dinner.


Shane Knuth, State Member for Hill

  • Out and about amongst the electorate it has been good to hear overwhelming support for KAP. Many in the electorate going out of their way to express disbelief at the appalling tactics of the major parties
  • Official unveiling of the new trailer and equipment NQ Show Jumping have been able to purchase because of a successful Gambling Community Benefit Fund application
  • Presenting the awards at the Atherton Hockey Grand Finals
  • Reviewing the Queensland Sustainable Dairy Industry (Fair Milk Logo) Bill and preparing for tabling to ensure QLD Dairy Farmers secure lasting benefit from the proposed milk levy
  • Official opening of St Rita’s new buildings in South Johnstone

Nick Dametto, State Member for Hinchinbrook

  • Attended hearings on the Gold Coast, Ipswich, Sunshine Coast, Bundaberg, Toowoomba and Maryborough for the Inquiry into wage theft in Queensland as part of the Education, Employment and Small Business Committee on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.
  • Attended the 2018 Qld Ambulance Service Townsville Local Area Service Network Awards Ceremony at Black River on Thursday morning, followed by a visit to see the Indigenous Australian Invitational Rugby team train in Townsville and then the 24th Annual Cowboys Presentation Ball in Townsville that night.
  • Joined in at the Ingham Disability Support Services morning tea in Ingham this morning.