
The week that was

June 22, 2018

See what our Members of Parliament, Senator Fraser Anning, Honourable Bob Katter, Robbie Katter, Shane Knuth and Nick Dametto got up to this week.


 Senator Fraser Anning, Senator for Queensland

  • On Monday 18th June, Senator Anning moved a motion that the Government moves the Australian Embassy to the western side of Jerusalem.

That the Senate:

a) Notes the religious and historical significance of Jerusalem, and
b) Calls the the Australian Government to;

  1. Recognise Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, and
  2. Move the Australian Embassy to the western side of Jerusalem, which in any scenario for peace is not disputed.
  • On Tuesday 19th June, Senator Anning moved a motion calling on the Government to commission a new comprehensive report on the cost of feral animals.The Senate calls on the Government to:a) direct the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources to investigate the cost that feral animals have on the Australian agricultural industry; andb) make public the findings of the above-mentioned study.

Bob Katter, Federal Member for Kennedy

  • Another week, another trip to Canberra and its subzero temperatures. A snowstorm was forecast but a much worse storm was expected for the Parliament.  Bob was on the warpath; in his sights was the importation of fake Indigenous art from Indonesia,  procuring urgently needed Indigenous housing funding, the tax laws and a personal pursuit of the Korean POW saga that Bob championed for Innisfail local, Bruce Gillan.
  • The sale of fake imported Indigenous art consumed much of the first day of Parliament. Bob was joined by a delegation of Indigenous Mayors from Kennedy who stood beside him as he held a press conference where he reprised the Sixty Minutes story that went to air the night before that revealed the Indonesian ‘Aboriginal’ art was flooding Australian souvenir shops, including at the Canberra Airport  where Bob picked up and unwrapped in front of the cameras a boomerang made in Indonesia.
  • Tuesday involved Bob escorting the delegation of Mayors to a number of Minister meetings to lobby for urgent funding needed for Indigenous housing in remote communities. A Current Affair also asked Bob to weigh in on the banking commission that went to air revealing two regional Queensland cases where the banks have forced farmers/graziers into dire financial circumstances.
  • Wednesday saw Bob enter the Chamber with a powerful question on the POW mystery broadcast on two front pages of The Australian newspaper in the last week. Directed to the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Julie Bishop, Bob questioned the Minister:

         My question is to Foreign Affairs Minister

I refer to articles on the front page of the Australian Newspaper last Thursday and again on Saturday, centring on
secret American-Korean war army files concerning Flying Officer Bruce Gillan and the other 42 missing Australians.

In 1953, “did” the Australian Government receive, from its ally the United States, a secret Communique issued in September
53’, that named 9 Australian personnel, as being alive and imprisoned in Korea

 And did our government at the same time continue to aver they have been killed in action?

  • Media was circulated and again featured in a follow up piece by Jamie Walker from The Australian. Bob also met with Dr Gomes from the ‘ Heart of Australia ‘ organisation that services regional Queensland and will be calling on the Government for much needed funding.
  • Thursday and another two hot topics to respond to – the NAIF has finally committed significant funding for the Kidston solar project – a key part of Bob’s Triangle of Power in the mid-west, and another letter to the Minister for Health Greg Hunt calling for more cancer drugs to be added to the PBS. Bob topped the Sitting period off with a lunch with Bruce and Sharon Parry from Mission Beach and their grandson Lachy (picture supplied).
  • Filming of an Origin TVC and an interview with Andrew Johns from Triple M Radio on why QLD is so great as well as a press conference in Cairns closed out the week on Friday. Finally, an in-studio interview with KAP Candidate for Leichhardt Daniel McCarthy  on the same topic as the presser - Botany Bay in the Treasurer’s electorate pushing for funding for a monument that would celebrate the reconciliation between Captain Cook and First Australians. The problem is, this didn’t take place in Botany Bay, but rather, Cooktown in North Queensland.
  • Parliament resumes next week.

         Nick Dametto, State Member for Hinchinbrook


  • Joined concerned community members at the Community Crime Prevention Day @ Rydges South Bank
  • Engaging with the local business community in Ingham and distribution reusable shopping bags ahead of the state wide ban
  • Spent several hours mingling with local constituents at Woodlands Shopping Village and Stockland North Shore in Burdell and distributing reusable shopping bags ahead of the state wide ban
  • Joined the Alice River Scout Group for their AGM and family fun night and accepted the challenge to scale the mobile rock climbing wall
  • Joined relevant stakeholders at the Hinchinbrook Shire Council Biosecurity Plan Workshop @ Tyto Conference Centre.  Important discussions were held regarding the threat of Navua Sedge and feral pig management in the Electorate.
  • Attended the Induction Ceremony of our newest Qld Police Service Constables
  • Attended the Qld Police Service Townsville District Medal Presentation Ceremony


         Robbie Katter, State Member for Traeger


  • On Wednesday Robbie Katter flew to Charters Towers where he held several meetings with local constituents and business representatives. He took time to sit down with locals who were suffering as a result of dialysis machines no longer being available in the Charters Towers hospital. People are being forced to travel hundreds of kilometres to Townsville three times a week to receive their life saving treatment. Robbie will be lobbying to have dialysis machines return to Charters Towers Hospital.
  • While in Charters Towers Robbie also met with graziers who have supplied submissions to the Financial Services Royal Commission regarding their treatment at the hands of the big banks which will feature in the Northern Miner newspaper on Friday, June 21.
  • On Thursday Robbie flew from Charters Towers to drop in to Cloncurry for a catch up on local issues including meeting with the CEO of the Cloncurry Hospital before flying back to Mount Isa.
  • On Friday he enjoyed a “day off” with the rest of Mount Isa for the show holiday. He spent the day at the show and will also be attending the Living With Lead app launch and the PBR at the Kalkadoon Park Arena tonight.

    Shane Knuth, State Member for Hill


  • Shane is working with the premiers office and across 2 other ministry portfolios to secure the funding for the Tully grandstand . The Cassowary Coast Regional Council have applied for a $3million grant through the Building our regions fund (State Government) which Shane is working on getting approved along with additional funding to secure a total of $5million in state government funding towards the total cost of $7.1million (Council funding the balance). This is a matter of urgency as the Showgrounds will be the staging venue for the World Rafting Championships in May 2019.
  • Shane had a meeting this week with regards to the Dimbulah Health Clinic with Minister Miles, Shane also spoke with the minister privately and also asked a question without notice to the minister during question time last week. The Minister has committed to working with the community and reviewing the opening hours and staffing at the clinic, which will be a huge boost for the community.
  • On Saturday 16th June, Shane attended the 7th Annual Car Bike & Swap Meet held at the Atherton State High School in support of School Chaplaincy.  There were over 200 vehicles displayed.
  • Saturday 16th June, Shane attended the Atherton Roosters Gala Dinner, celebrating 100 years of the club.
  • During this past week, Shane has been meeting with Constituents, local groups concerned about crocs and issues relating to the electorate and attending Lions & Lioness Changeover Dinners.