
The week that was

June 29, 2018

See what our Members of Parliament, Senator Fraser Anning, Honourable Bob Katter, Robbie Katter, Shane Knuth and Nick Dametto got up to this week.

Senator Fraser Anning, Senator for Queensland

  • Senator Anning defended free speech and freedom of religion by opposing the NSW governments 150m exclusion zones around abortion clinics.
  • He opposed moves towards legalising euthanasia expressing concern that it would place the most vulnerable at risk.
  • Senator Anning spoke passionately about the need to broaden the terms of reference of the Royal banking Commission to ensure that the worst instances of banking malpractice were exposed.
  • He drew attention to gross misuse of foreign aid by the Palestinian Authority to reward terrorists and sought to prevent Australian aid contributing to this. However his efforts were blocked by Labor and the Greens who refused to allow a free vote on this issue in the Senate.
  • Finally in response to recent horrendous attacks on women, Senator Anning sought to pressure the government to legalise tasers, pepper spray and mace to empower women to protect themselves. Senator Anning’s motion, though supported by conservative Cross bench allies it was defeated by an alliance of the Opposition, Government and Greens.”

Bob Katter, Federal Member for Kennedy

  • We have had another big week with Federal Parliament sitting this week. Bob introduced legislation on Monday – the Banking System Reform (Separation of Banks) Bill 2018. This Bill will separate retail commercial banking activities involving the holding of deposits, from wholesale and investment banking involving risky activities. The Bill provides for such a separation to:-

    -  protect deposits
    - end vertical integration, to protect depositors from banks trying to lure them into buying services from the banks' other                    business;
    - ensure deposits are only used for normal lending, which will keep more money in the real economy and available for banks            to lend to productive enterprises;
    - stop banks from securitising mortgages—meaning on-selling them to other banks to be bundled into risky          derivatives—which will put a brake on mortgage fraud and excessive mortgage lending to risky borrowers.

  • He then travelled to Brisbane on Tuesday to flank farmers at the Brisbane banking farm finance hearings that took place this week. A delegation of more than 20 people, including farmers Charlie Phillott and Debbie Viney as well as KAP Candidate for Leichhardt Daniel McCarthy, stood beside Bob as he noted his concern that the watered down terms of reference meant the Commission most likely won’t achieve a solid outcome. See the media release here:
  • Bob will be attending the Townsville Show tomorrow afternoon – and will then back into the electorate next week.

Nick Dametto, State Member for Hinchinbrook

  • Showing his support for the Cardwell Coast Guard at their Open Day last Saturday and enjoying the opportunity to catch up local businesses and constituents
  • Attended the Hinchinbrook Shire Council monthly general meeting
  • Met with local Councillors regarding feral pig management in the Herbert region
  • Travelled to the Burdekin for the ‘Growing Renewable Fuels in Regional Qld Project Development & Opportunities in the North’ event.
  • Joined fellow Katter’s Australia Party members at the Townsville Show meet and greet
  • Will be engaging with constituents outside Coles Supermarkets in Ingham this Sunday morning handing out re-usable shopping bags


Robbie Katter, State Member for Traeger

  • This week Robbie was home in the Isa, where he was busy working on a range of issues, conducting meetings and catching up with various locals, stakeholders and groups. State-wide he has been keeping a close on the hearings taking place as part of the Banking Royal Commission, currently underway in Brisbane.
  • He attended the new cricket nets official opening at Saint Kieran’s on Tuesday. The new nets are thanks to the generosity of Mount Isa businesses and community help and Robbie was pleased to be able to test them out and have a hit.
  • On Wednesday he spent the day in Cloncurry, meeting up with constituents on a range of issues relevant to the community. He also checked out the Cloncurry Stockman’s Challenge and Campdraft Association’s new ablution block.
  • Tonight he is booked in to attend the Townsville Show with his fellow KAP MPs.

Shane Knuth, State Member for Hill

  • Attended three Lions and Lioness Club change over dinners –  ‘We Serve’ is their motto, and they do a lot for our communities
  • Attended the Yungaburra markets – one of the biggest markets in our region.
  • Took a stroll along the Mission Beach Monster Markets.
  • Met with a Babinda Kayak and SUP business owner in regards to the croc sighting and the impact on his business.
  • Attended the Babinda Chamber of Commerce crocodile meeting – croc sightings are directly impacting communities even when a sighting is not near their town.
  • Inspected the Rotary Park Campgrounds where a three metre croc was sighted. It is a popular destination for visitors.
  • Visited Atherton State High School and Butchers Creek State School.
  • Out and about – Visiting towns across the coast and Tablelands, talking to constituents about the real issues.