Wednesday, 26 Oct, 2022
KENNEDY MP Bob Katter has welcomed significant announcements listed in the Federal Budget for North Queensland including $225m for exploration grants in the resource-rich “North West Minerals Province” near Mount Isa, significant investments in protecting Australia against foot and mouth disease, grants for invasive weeds and feral pigs, and funding to improve telecommunications in the electorate’s many black spots.
Read moreWednesday, 26 Oct, 2022
Katter’s Australian Party Deputy Leader and Hinchinbrook MP, Nick Dametto has taken aim at both the Federal and State Governments for failing to deliver on an essential flood immunity project south of Tully.
Read moreTuesday, 25 Oct, 2022
A 2,000-strong jobs boom that would see the population of a mid-west town double and an extra $170 million of annual gross agricultural production injected into the Queensland economy hangs in the balance, Katter’s Australian Party (KAP) Leader and Traeger MP Robbie Katter has warned.
Read moreMonday, 24 Oct, 2022
The Federal Government’s approval of further increases to the Road User Charge, a cost set by the Commonwealth for each litre of diesel used by heavy vehicles on public roads, could spell disaster for truck companies, fruit and vegetable growers and the consumer.
Read moreFriday, 21 Oct, 2022
SALARY-SACRIFICED homes for the dwindling armed forces and restrictions on FIFO mining could resolve the housing crisis in regional Queensland, Kennedy MP Bob Katter says.
Read moreThursday, 20 Oct, 2022
KENNEDY MP Bob Katter says the Prime Minister owes North Queensland its share of job-creating projects after news reports claimed Hells Gate was scrapped from the budget, and subsequently, $6bn was announced for electricity projects in Victoria.
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