Monday, 8 Aug, 2022
Palaszczuk Labor Government’s shallow attempt today to appear proactive on the biosecurity risks threatening to destroy our State’s livestock industry is little more than a “band-aid on a broken leg”
State Member for Hinchinbrook and Katter’s Australian Party Deputy Leader, Nick Dametto is thrilled to see the Ingham CBD hustling and bustling following a number of new businesses opening and several existing businesses relocating to the main streets. The Hinchinbrook MP said unfortunately for some time there were many empty shopfronts in the Ingham CBD, […]
Friday, 5 Aug, 2022
BOB Katter, Federal Member for Kennedy, in a letter to the Assistant Treasurer, Hon Stephen Jones, has condemned past governments failed response to the Youpla collapse, suggesting they had been sitting on its impending doom for decades. Youpla, formerly known as the Aboriginal Community Benefit Fund, went into liquidation in March this year after nearly […]
Thursday, 4 Aug, 2022
Spinifex State College was one of many throughout the Traeger electorate that received a juicy amount of funding allocation from the recent state budget. Katter’s Australian Party Leader, and Traeger MP Robbie Katter said that although the budget allocation was lacking in areas, the allocations to numerous schools across the electorate was welcomed. […]
With Great Barrier Reef (GBR) coral cover reportedly at record levels, Deputy Leader of the Katter’s Australian Party (KAP) and Hinchinbrook MP, Nick Dametto has taken aim at the State Labor Government over farm-destroying Reef Regulations that were introduced to appease inner-city Greens groups. Results of the latest Australian Institute of Marine Science official […]
KENNEDY MP, Bob Katter, lamented over the missed opportunity for the Climate Change Bill to include measures to provide for Australian fuel and energy sovereignty and security whilst also reducing emissions. “For a Parliament obsessed with the word ‘climate change’ it seems to have escaped everyone that the bill that passed through the lower house […]