Saturday, 23 Apr, 2022
The Federal LNP’s weak-willed attempt to address the farming finance crisis engulfing Australian agriculture is akin to a ‘band-aid on a bullet hole’ and will do little to assist those most discriminated against by commercial lending practices, Katter’s Australian Party Leader Robbie Katter has said. This week, during a debate with Labor’s agriculture spokeswoman Julie […]
Friday, 22 Apr, 2022
Shoot to kill cattle operations in Cape York must stop now, Member for Hill Shane Knuth said. Mr Knuth said for years parks and wildlife had been performing shoot-to-kill operations, indiscriminately killing unbranded and branded cattle, often without any, or little notice to surrounding landowners who own most of the cattle. “The department needs to […]
Katter’s Australian Party (KAP) Deputy Leader and Hinchinbrook MP, Nick Dametto, is calling on the Chief Health Officer to remove the requirement for Queensland employees working in vulnerable and high-risk settings to be fully vaccinated. The latest Public Health and Social Measures Direction states that vaccination and check-in requirements will continue for anyone visiting or […]
Katter’s Australian Party Leader and Traeger MP Robbie Katter has pledged to move legislation in the Queensland Parliament to ban trans women from participating in female sports if the “corrosive, unfair and woke” trend is not outlawed by the next Federal Parliament. Mr Katter said he had been prompted to revisit the issue – which […]
Thursday, 21 Apr, 2022
KATTER’s Australian Party (KAP) candidate for Dawson, Ciaron Paterson, says the potential closure of Bowen’s only remaining GP clinic sends a message about how dire the GP shortage is in regional Australia, and is calling on the federal government to undertake urgent action to address the growing gaps in primary health care. “Bowen, the second […]
Mackay-based Coalminer Ciaron Paterson is Katter’s Australian Party’s (KAP) candidate for the seat of Dawson at the May 21 federal election, running alongside truckdriver Clynton Hawks in Herbert, ex-NRL player Rod Jensen in Leichhardt, and party founder Bob Katter in Kennedy. Mr Paterson says he’s proud of his working-class roots, and has worked hard […]
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