Wednesday, 31 Mar, 2021
A THREE-year-battle by Hinchinbrook MP Nick Dametto to get two level crossings in Cardwell upgraded appears to finally be over as Queensland Rail start works in April. Upgrade works will start on warning signals at the Brasenose Street and Liverpool Street level crossings in Cardwell following years of delays due to design issues going as far back as 2018. “The funding […]
Read moreMonday, 29 Mar, 2021
HINCHINBROOK MP Nick Dametto is sporting a slick new look after deciding to part with his hair in support of a fundraiser for cancer patients. Mr Dametto said he was inspired by organiser Serenella Fava’s brave decision to shave her hair at Lucinda Point Hotel last Saturday night. “It was such a selfless act by Serenella in wanting to raise money to […]
Read moreSaturday, 27 Mar, 2021
QUEENSLAND and Australia must secure its energy supply for future generations instead of selling everything off to the highest bidder, warns Hinchinbrook MP Nick Dametto. Speaking on Katter’s Australian Party leader Robbie Katter’s Private Member’s Motion on energy supply in parliament on Wednesday, Mr Dametto said successive State and Federal governments had failed their citizens “all the way back to when […]
Read moreFriday, 26 Mar, 2021
Just 14 months ago the Fall Army Worm was first discovered in Australia and the Far North with farms not knowing the extent of damage that would be caused by these pests. The issue is so severe that Tableland farmers are now considering not planting maize during their next crop season due to the cost […]
Read moreMonday, 22 Mar, 2021
A DESIRE to honour the memory of her late daughter and give back has inspired one Ingham grandmother to shave her hair for a good cause. Serenella Fava will get the clippers in front of friends and family this Saturday night at Lucinda Point Hotel as she raises money for cancer charity Audrey’s Angels, palliative care and local […]
Read moreWednesday, 17 Mar, 2021
THE State Labor Government urgently needs to invest in temporary emergency accommodation to counteract an alarming shortage of rental properties in the Herbert River District, says Hinchinbrook MP Nick Dametto. Mr Dametto said he was “dismayed” at the lack of emergency accommodation for local families who were in danger of becoming homeless as their current rental lease […]
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