Thursday, 6 Feb, 2020
The newly announced National Commissioner, who will investigate suicides among Defence Force personnel and veterans, must examine the role of the Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) in what Bob Katter labels an ongoing “national shame”. [pdf-embedder url="" title="20200206 Katter - Veterans Suicide Commissioner Release"]
Read moreThursday, 6 Feb, 2020
ENVIRONMENT Minister Leanne Enoch has failed to provide a straight answer over what support her department will provide Hinchinbrook Shire Council as they attempt to rid Ingham of a massive bat colony. [pdf-embedder url="" title="20200205 Minister stumbles over bat question V2"]
Read moreMonday, 3 Feb, 2020
[pdf-embedder url="" title="20200203 Robbie Katter takes the reins of the KAP"] The long term vision and success of Katter’s Australian Party has been bolstered with Robbie Katter stepping up and taking the leadership from his father Bob Katter Jnr.
Read moreFriday, 31 Jan, 2020
See what our Members of Parliament, KAP Leader and Federal Member for Kennedy – Bob Katter, KAP State Leader and Member for Traeger – Robbie Katter, Member for Hill – Shane Knuth and Member for Hinchinbrook – Nick Dametto did this week. Katter’s Australian Party Facebook: @KattersAusParty Twitter: @KAPteam Bob Katter, Federal Member for Kennedy Facebook: @bobkatterMP Twitter: @RealBobKatter […]
Read moreFriday, 31 Jan, 2020
RESIDENTS in Upper Stone fear their calls will go unanswered in a potentially life-threatening situation due to failing Telstra infrastructure that has left them largely without any landline phone service for almost a month. [pdf-embedder url="" title="20200131 Telstra abandons Upper Stone customers_"]
Read moreFriday, 31 Jan, 2020
The Federal Government’s plans to introduce a gas reserve policy in Queensland is five years too late and the state may have already wasted its competitive energy advantage, KAP State Leader and Traeger MP Robbie Katter has said. [pdf-embedder url="" title="20200131 - RK media release - Gas reserve policy five years too late for QLD"]
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