Friday, 13 Sep, 2019
The Fred Hollows Foundation is calling for nominations for the annual Fred Hollows Humanity Award, which recognises Year Six students who demonstrate compassion, integrity and kindness towards others. [pdf-embedder url="" title="20190913 - RK media release - Search on for kids in the North West who follow in Fred Hollows' footsteps"]
Read moreThursday, 12 Sep, 2019
THE science which has deemed the Great Barrier Reef to be ‘very poor’ will be audited by the Auditor General should a Resolution drafted by Federal Member for Kennedy Bob Katter gain support in the Parliament. [pdf-embedder url="" title="20190911 Katter demands Govt audit reef quality science"]
Read moreWednesday, 11 Sep, 2019
‘INTERVENE now to protect the World Sugar Price or risk cane farmers walking away from their crops’ is the dire warning delivered by KAP Leader and Federal Member for Kennedy Bob Katter and Qld KAP Member for Hinchinbrook, Nick Dametto to the Federal Government as another six million tonnes of subsidised sugar was dumped on […]
Read moreWednesday, 11 Sep, 2019
Brisbane’s bid to host the 2032 Olympic Games is an example of “gross political gluttony” and further proof that the people of Queensland cannot afford the Palaszczuk Government, State KAP Leader and Traeger MP Robbie Katter has said. [pdf-embedder url="" title="20190909 - KAP media release - Olympics bid another tax on the regions"]
Read moreThursday, 5 Sep, 2019
THE countdown is on to see Hinchinbrook MP Nick Dametto face off against a bull at this year’s Ingham Sugar City Rodeo. [pdf-embedder url="" title="20190509 Dametto riding high after charity fundraiser"]
Read moreThursday, 5 Sep, 2019
A BILL designed to give regional first home owners a leg up in the property market will be a key focus for Hinchinbrook MP Nick Dametto should Katter’s Australian party be in a commanding position at the next State Election. [pdf-embedder url="" title="20190905 First home owners to be election focus"]
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