Friday, 31 May, 2019
A LACK of action by Queensland Rail and Transport and Main Roads to address several flooding issues in northern Townsville has seen Hinchinbrook MP Nick Dametto take up the fight on behalf of residents. [pdf-embedder url="" title="20190531 Residents rage against govt over flooding issues _"]
Read moreFriday, 31 May, 2019
KAP leader and Federal Member for Kennedy Bob Katter is currently drafting a resolution for an Inquiry which will reveal whether partially government-owned sponsors of Rugby Australia were involved in terminating Israel Folau’s contract on the grounds of religious freedom. [pdf-embedder url="" title="20190531 Katter throws hat into religious freedom ring over Falou"]
Read moreThursday, 30 May, 2019
Please attribute the below to Robbie Katter MP: “The KAP is proud to have played a role in pushing for progress on the opening up of the Galilee Basin. [pdf-embedder url="" title="20190530 - Statement from RK on Carmichael Mine"]
Read moreWednesday, 29 May, 2019
State KAP Leader and Traeger MP Robbie Katter has called out at the Palaszczuk Government over its latest move to leech money from the state’s mining companies, with the Treasurer today asking mining bosses for $70 million in return for a freeze on royalty rises. [pdf-embedder url="" title="201905029 - RK media release - KAP calls […]
Read moreTuesday, 28 May, 2019
NORTH Queensland’s coastal farmers have been abandoned by the newly-elected Federal Coalition Government over a farm-destroying Bill proposed by the State Labor Government. [pdf-embedder url="" title="20190528 Farmers forgotten in election aftermath"]
Read moreMonday, 27 May, 2019
NORTH Queensland needs to break free of its southern overlords in order to control its own destiny, says Hinchinbrook MP Nick Dametto [pdf-embedder url="" title="20190507 KAP reignites call for a new North"]
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