Friday, 17 Aug, 2018
HINCHINBROOK MP Nick Dametto has called on Canberra to awaken the “sleeping giant” that is North Queensland after a successful trip to meet the nation’s top powerbrokers this week. [pdf-embedder url="" title="20180817 Canberra needs to unleash North Dametto"]
Read moreThursday, 16 Aug, 2018
Please see the statement from the three Queensland state KAP members, Robbie Katter, Shane Knuth and Nick Dametto in relation to Senator Fraser Anning’s Maiden Parliamentary speech. [pdf-embedder url="" title="20180816 Statement from KAP State MP's on Senator Fraser Annings speech"]
Read moreWednesday, 15 Aug, 2018
KAP Leader and Member for Kennedy Bob Katter has held a press conference to congratulate and support KAP Queensland Senator Fraser Anning’s Maiden Speech. [pdf-embedder url="" title="20180815 Response to Senator Anning's speech"]
Read moreMonday, 13 Aug, 2018
Member for Hill Shane Knuth has called on the State Government to honour statements made in response to a question from fellow Hinchinbrook MP Nick Dametto in recent estimates hearings as it directly impacts schools in his electorate. [pdf-embedder url="" title="20180813 Knuth calls on Minister and Department to Honour Statements on Education"]
Read moreFriday, 10 Aug, 2018
Extend the Banking Royal Commission meeting with Fraser Anning [pdf-embedder url=""]
Read moreFriday, 10 Aug, 2018
Find out about upcoming events that our Members of Parliament are attending including community and social events. Senator Fraser Anning will be holding a meeting with farmers to discuss extending the Banking Royal Commission; Tuesday 14th August, 8:30 am Parliament House, Main Committee Room Robbie Katter will be attending the following in July if […]
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