Thursday, 28 Jun, 2018
ONE week out from the Townsville 400 Supercars race, Hinchinbrook MP Nick Dametto has given both major political parties a rev up for failing to fully back a game-changing motorsport precinct west of Townsville. Motorsport body Drive It NQ’s $23.3 million proposal for an all-in-one facility at Calcium still needs a further $18.3 million in […]
Read moreThursday, 28 Jun, 2018
This week saw KAP’s focus placed squarely on the Royal Commission farm finance hearings at the Brisbane Magistrates Court. This is significant because KAP leader Bob Katter had been fighting for a Royal Commission since he was the first to call for it in the Federal Parliament more than three years ago. . In this […]
Read moreThursday, 28 Jun, 2018
KAP state leader and Traeger MP Robbie Katter has called for the State Government to extend its residential solar loans scheme to provide no-interest loans for graziers to install solar pumps on their watering points. “The Premier has touted that these interest-free loans are all about assisting Queenslanders to turn to renewable energy and slash […]
Read moreThursday, 28 Jun, 2018
This week, KAP Leader and Federal Member for Kennedy Bob Katter has delivered a parcel of 400 poppies to the Australian War Memorial (AWM) in Canberra. The handmade poppies were knitted by the Tully branch of the Queensland Country Women’s Association (QCWA). The poppies are part of a national campaign to collect 62 000, handcrafted […]
Read moreThursday, 28 Jun, 2018
Today in the Senate, outspoken KAP Senator Fraser Anning moved a motion calling for the inclusion into the Royal Commission of; receivers, administrators and insolvency professionals who engage in unethical and unconscionable behavior when dealing with our rural communities. Senator Anning sought support from his colleagues in an attempt to ensure all aspects of the […]
Read moreThursday, 28 Jun, 2018
State KAP leader and member for Traeger Robbie Katter says the terms of reference for the Banking Royal Commission have become unclear after Treasurer Scott Morrison contradicted the commission’s senior counsel on the issue. On Monday, Ms Rowena Orr, counsel assisting the commissioner, stated liquidators and receivers were not captured in the terms of reference. […]
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