Tuesday, 14 Apr, 2020
A RELENTLESS lobbying effort spearheaded by Katter’s Australian Party (KAP) MPs along with the firearms industry has resulted in a series of crucial firearm license codes needed for land management finally being declared exempt from the State Government’s trading restrictions. [pdf-embedder url="https://kap.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/20200410-KAP-secures-big-win-for-licensed-firearms-owners.pdf" title="20200410 KAP secures big win for licensed firearms owners"]
Read moreThursday, 9 Apr, 2020
The scope of the Clean Energy Finance Corporation (CEFC) must be expanded to enable billions of tax-payer dollars to fund a broad-scale public works program that will re-define Australia’s economy, Katter’s Australian Party (KAP) MPs have said. [pdf-embedder url="https://kap.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/20200408-KAP-MR-Development-Bank-our-one-chance-to-escape-peril.pdf" title="20200408 - KAP MR - Development Bank our one chance to escape peril"]
Read moreWednesday, 8 Apr, 2020
WILD pigs potentially carrying the deadly African Swine Fever will be left free to roam on properties without exemptions for two key firearm license code variants, says Hinchinbrook MP Nick Dametto. [pdf-embedder url="https://kap.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/20200408-Firearm-restrictions-no-help-in-stopping-swine-fever.pdf" title="20200408 Firearm restrictions no help in stopping swine fever"]
Read moreWednesday, 8 Apr, 2020
KENNEDY MP, Bob Katter has written to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission demanding answers as to why north Queensland is still paying exorbitant prices for petrol and diesel despite a significant drop in the global oil market. [pdf-embedder url="https://kap.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/080420-North-Queensland-Fuel-Prices.pdf" title="080420 North Queensland Fuel Prices"]
Read moreWednesday, 8 Apr, 2020
STATE Katter’s Australian Party MP’s have heard the call of thousands of Queensland businesses in desperate need for financial assistance, urging the State Government to chip in by opening up grants to help small businesses struggling with mounting outgoing costs. [pdf-embedder url="https://kap.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/20200408-COVID-19-has-small-business-on-the-ropes.pdf" title="20200408 COVID-19 has small business on the ropes"]
Read moreWednesday, 8 Apr, 2020
Katter’s Australian Party MPs have heard the call of thousands of Queensland businesses and sole traders in the fight for their survival. [pdf-embedder url="https://kap.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/20200407-KAP-MR-State-must-support-businesses-on-the-ropes.pdf" title="20200407 - KAP MR - State must support businesses on the ropes"]
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